Spittelberg, a hidden gem of Vienna

There was a time in my one year stay in Vienna when I realized that I feel tired of visiting popular tourist attractions and must-see places. I wanted something more authentic, local, off the beaten track… and then I discovered Spittelberg, charming little quarter hidden behind the area of Mariahilfer Straße and Museumsquartier.

Spittelberg, a hidden gem of Vienna, Austria

I remember the first time when I got there just before Christmas, walking in the rain around the streets of Vienna. It was a Christmas Market there, the most beautiful I have ever seen. People were walking through the narrow streets holding their umbrellas in one hand and cups of mulled wine in the other, looking at the stands full of arts, crafts, and specialties from all over the world. I was enchanted by this place and soon it became one of my favorite areas in town.

Spittelberg, a romantic quarter hidden in Vienna, Austria

Spittelberg is like a romantic village in the middle of the city. Quiet and peaceful during the day, vibrant and full of life in the evening, it’s a favorite place of students and artists. There are many specialist shops selling arts and crafts from all over the world, design studios and ateliers with original fashion from local designers.

Spittelberg, a romantic off the beaten path place in Vienna, Austria
Spittelberg, a hidden gem of Vienna

Spittelberg is also a lively bar area with quaint restaurants, tiny romantic cafés, and idyllic gardens often slightly hidden in courtyards. I really enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere of this place so it was my favorite hangout where I used to spend time with friends.
Spittelberg, a romantic hidden gem in Vienna, Austria

A romantic quarter Spittelberg, Vienna, Austria
Spittelberg, an architectural hidden gem in Vienna, Austria

People who had never been there before were always surprised by this place. Sometimes they hardly believed it’s still Vienna. Just a few minutes walk from the city center a man can find a completely different world, without traffic noise and crowds of tourists. Spittelberg is also rich in culture, the newly refurbished Theather am Spittelberg is located there as well as the cinema Filmhaus am Spittelberg which shows quality movies.

Spittelberg, Vienna's hidden gem
If you have already visited all of the top Vienna tourist attractions and you are looking for a place where you can finally take a rest or you just enjoy discovering off the beaten path places where the locals meet up I suggest you to explore the Spittelberg quarter, best get off at metro Neubaugasse (U3) or Museumsquartier (U2).

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  18 comments for “Spittelberg, a hidden gem of Vienna

  1. LeonSiPL
    March 30, 2016 at 7:28 pm

    Gdybym mogła wybrać miejsce, w którym chciałabym zamieszkać, z dużym prawdopodobieństwem byłby to Wiedeń!

    • March 31, 2016 at 9:03 am

      Mieszkałam tam przez rok i bardzo mi się podobało. Żyje się spokojnie, jest dużo zieleni i miejsc do spędzania wolnego czasu. Wspaniałe miejsce do osiedlenia się na stałe.

  2. Magdalena Bodnari
    March 31, 2016 at 6:38 am

    Good tip! We are planning Vienna for a long time!

    • March 31, 2016 at 9:07 am

      It’s definitely worth visiting. If you will have any questions about places to see, good restaurants or off the beaten path hidden gems, feel free to ask 🙂

  3. March 31, 2016 at 5:45 pm

    I’ve been there! And enjoyed it! However my general observation about Austria was that such a sterile country… made me sick;) I’m much more Mediterranean kind of spirit 😉 Your photos perfectly reflect that cleanliness…

    • March 31, 2016 at 6:53 pm

      Yes, you are right, Austria is clean and everything seems to be in order there, but there are also non-touristic areas in Vienna that looks completely different than the rest of the city… like for example 10th district with Reumannplatz and Favoritenstrasse and other districts that tourists see only accidentally when they got lost. It’s totally different Vienna.

  4. April 4, 2016 at 7:32 pm

    I always try to find some quiet streets in new cities. Then you can feel more of the city, see authentic places with no tourists.

    • April 5, 2016 at 8:30 am

      It’s true, off the beaten path places are really charming. Sightseeing and running between top tourist attractions is not for me, instead of it I like to discover something more authentic.

  5. April 18, 2016 at 4:35 pm

    Beautiful photos…Spittelberg is so charming! Thanks for sharing 🙂


    • April 28, 2016 at 1:53 pm

      Thank you Michelle 🙂

  6. June 19, 2016 at 7:42 pm

    Gorgeous photos! Makes me want to go back to Vienna

  7. March 24, 2019 at 2:20 pm

    Znalazlam cudem 🙂 Google maps pokazuje zla lokalizacje, kierujac sie Twoim postem w koncu tam trafilam. W okolicy znalazlam magiczne okno z cieniami 😉 Opisalam u siebie. Pozdrawiam.

    • March 28, 2019 at 12:27 pm

      A kiedy byłaś w Wiedniu? 🙂 Ja w zasadzie właśnie stamtąd wróciłam, więc może byłyśmy w tym samym czasie. Już do Ciebie idę, bardzo jestem ciekawa co to za magiczne okno 😀

      • March 28, 2019 at 3:14 pm

        Juz zajrzalas na bloga wiec wiesz gdzie okno jest 🙂 Moj pobyt trwal od 16go do 20go marca.