A virtual trip to cherry blossoms in Vienna, Austria

They say that spring always comes after winter. I know it might sound trivial but to be honest, this saying always gave me some hope and optimism when I needed it so much. It’s been a year since the last time I was in Vienna, but now it seems so unreal to me that I feel like I took all these photos ages ago. I walked around the city watching cherry blossoms and magnolias, enjoying the spring and beautiful, sunny weather. If someone told me that next year we would have coronavirus pandemic and nothing would be the same as before, I wouldn’t believe it.

A pink flowering tree in Stadtpark, Vienna

A pink flowering tree in the Stadtpark, Vienna

I had plans to write a blog post where to see magnolias and cherry blossoms in Vienna, give you locations and directions on how to get there, create a map, but everything has changed and I realized that it would be irresponsible to encourage someone to huddle around flowering trees. I was about to give up publishing these photos but then I thought that maybe they would lift your spirits and give some hope. Because I think this is what we all need now.

Cherry blossoms in Stadtpark, Vienna

Cherry blossoms in the Stadtpark, Vienna

Traveling is currently the last thing I think about. My only dream is for my loved ones to be healthy and for this plague to end as soon as possible. I stay at home and do not walk taking photos as I used to. I don’t even know if the trees are already blooming in my city. But I have pictures and memories that I can put into words. I thought that in these strange and turbulent times, virtual reality can be a kind of substitute or consolation. Thanks to the internet, we can still somehow enjoy the beauty of this world that is why I decided to keep writing this blog.

Flowering trees in Burggarten, Vienna

Flowering trees in the Burggarten, Vienna

Stadtpark and the boulevards on the river Wien

The boulevards on the river Wien

Last year I was lucky enough to see cherry blossoms and magnolias in Vienna. I didn’t plan it, I was just in the right place at the right time. How wonderful it was to walk around the city watching the flowering trees. Spring was in the air, people enjoyed their time in parks and city gardens, listening to the sound of birds and basking in the sun. It was such a blissful experience when I could immerse myself in this idyllic atmosphere.

Springtime in Stadtpark, Vienna

Springtime in the Stadtpark, Vienna

I like Vienna at any time of the year, but spring is really special with all its colors, smells, and sounds. Everything is so fresh, vibrant and vivid. When I lived in Vienna, I had some of the favorite places where I enjoyed spending my time. The Stadtpark and the boulevards on the river Wien are one of them, so I couldn’t miss these spots when I was in the city. There were really beautiful pink flowering trees near Stubenbrücke. Standing in their shadow and looking at the flares of the sun, I felt like the magic was in the air.

Pink blossoms in Stadtpark, Vienna

Pink blossoms in the Stadtpark, Vienna

Cherry blossoms in Stadtpark, Vienna

Cherry blossoms in the Stadtpark, Vienna

I also went to the Resselpark to see the Karlskirche, my favorite church in Vienna. Every time I see this amazing building I feel overwhelmed by its beauty. I really like its proportions, details and the way white marble contrasts with the patina dome. There is something majestic and mesmerizing about this church that makes you want to go back there. A real architectural gem!

Things that surprised me when living in Vienna, Austria

The Karlskirche, one of the most beautiful churches in Vienna, Austria

Once I visited the Karlskirche and some of my favorite spots in Innere Stadt, I went for a walk along the Ringstrasse, the main boulevard of Vienna, where there are the most representative buildings and beautiful gardens. I saw pink flowering trees in the Burggarten near the Hofburg Palace and in the Rathauspark, and of course, the magnolia near the Votivkirche, which is probably the most photographed tree in Vienna.

A flowering tree near the Votivkirche, Vienna

A flowering tree near the Votivkirche, Vienna

Cherry blossoms and Hofburg Palace, Burggarten, Vienna

Cherry blossoms and the Hofburg Palace, Burggarten, Vienna

The Burgtheater seen from Rathauspark, Vienna

The Burgtheater and flowering trees in Rathauspark, Vienna

The most instagrammable magnolia tree in Vienna

The Votivkirche and the most photographed magnolia tree in Vienna

Karlsplatz, one of my favorite places in Vienna

Karlsplatz, one of my favorite places in Vienna

It was a beautiful spring day and I’m glad that writing this blog post I could come back to these memories. I hope you liked the pictures of cherry blossoms in Vienna and that watching them you could think about something more pleasant, at least for a moment. I wish you a lot of peace and serenity in these hard times. Stay safe and healthy wherever you are!

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Cherry blossoms iv Vienna Austria

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  14 comments for “A virtual trip to cherry blossoms in Vienna, Austria

  1. March 27, 2020 at 10:56 am

    Cudowne zdjęcia i kwiaty, lubię je oglądać. Pięknie wyglądasz, pozdrawiam cieplutko 🙂

    • March 27, 2020 at 11:52 am

      Dziękuję! 🙂 Miałam dać sobie spokój z publikacją tych zdjęć, ale później stwierdziłam, że może akurat komuś się spodobają i chociaż trochę umilą dzień. Dorota, trzymaj się i dużo zdrowia!

  2. March 28, 2020 at 9:53 am

    Niestety juz 4 z moich podrozy zaplanowanych na ten rok ulegly zmianom – 2 skasowane, dwie przelozone. Kolejne zaczynaja sie od czerwca, mam nadzieje ze dojda do skutku. Jesli to wszystko nie skonczy sie szybko to Europa i swiat beda w takiej recesji ze ludzie beda popelniac zbiorowe samobojstwa, wiec oby sie skonczylo. Osobiscie uwazam reakcje za sporo przesadzone ale kazdy ma wlasna opinie na ten temat a niestety podporzadkowac zaleceniom sie trzeba. Pozdrawiam 🙂

    • March 28, 2020 at 7:08 pm

      To prawda, opinie są podzielone. Niestety, obecnie jesteśmy trochę między młotem a kowadłem. Moje wyjazdy też stoją pod dużym znakiem zapytania, ale chwilowo te kwestie zeszły na dalszy plan. Pozostaje czekać, obserwować sytuację i mieć nadzieję, że to jak najszybciej się skończy.

  3. March 31, 2020 at 2:38 am

    Seriously, these flowers give us a lot of hope in these tough times. They look so beautiful! I am personally quite fond of cherry blossoms though we have them blooming only in a few places in the country. The church looks beautiful as well. I can understand why it is your favourite. Stay safe and travel virtually.

  4. March 31, 2020 at 8:35 am

    I love Vienna and how it beautiful in every season. I lived in Vienna years ago and loved seeing all the gorgeous trees in bloom. When this is all over, I will definitely go back to visit Vienna again. It’s one of my favorite cities in Europe. Funny how you say you’re not thinking of travel right now as it is all I can think about. I feel like a caged bird and cannot wait to spread my wings and fly again 🙂

    • April 1, 2020 at 4:28 pm

      The point is, I’m not making any travel plans right now, because in the current situation it doesn’t make sense. Traveling is not my priority now, but when it all ends and I can afford to go somewhere, I will be very happy. Take care, Sophie and stay healthy.

  5. April 2, 2020 at 12:38 am

    You’ve captured the beauty of Vienna so well through this post. Vienna is one of our favorite destinations but we’ve somehow always visited it during the summer season. After seeing the beautiful photographs on your post, I’d love to revisit the city when these blossoms are blooming. Taking a leisurely stroll through Stadtpark and admiring the blossoms all around would surely be a highlight. It’s nice to get a virtual tour of Vienna during this season through your post and you are absolutely right – these flowers do give us some hope and inspiration during these tough times.

    • May 1, 2020 at 12:39 pm

      I am glad that my photos gave you some hope and inspiration. It’s so nice to read it. I wish you would visit Vienna more than once, it’s really beautiful there in spring and early autumn.

  6. April 9, 2020 at 7:43 am

    Your pictures of blossom are so beautiful. I scrolled them multiple times. We too wish the corona pandemic to end soon and everyone remains fine and health and we start living the normal life. Seeing these cherry blossom blooms in real is super high on our list and would love to do some day for sure. Thanks for guiding about the locations in your post.

    • May 1, 2020 at 12:41 pm

      It would be wonderful to get back to normal life. Let’s hope it ends soon.

  7. April 23, 2020 at 4:19 pm

    This year, it is impossible to fully enjoy the beautiful spring, being isolated. You have wonderful photos! Super! Thanks for sharing!

    • May 1, 2020 at 12:43 pm

      It is true, everything has turned upside down. Let’s hope it ends one day and we return to normal life.