The best night views of Barcelona

The city night view never ceases to amaze me. Maybe as I mentioned in Best Vienna Night Views post it’s about the most representative buildings and tourist attractions are highlighted while the rest is hidden in the shadow, or maybe… Well, hiking in the mountains or walking along the seashore we can admire the beauty of nature, however, when it comes to a city by night, it’s all about people created themselves. Actually, I mean it’s an art of our civilization.


A view of Barcelona from the Montjuïc Hill

One week in Barcelona is all I had. It’s not enough to get to know all the city’s ins and outs, but during my stay, I discovered some outstanding places and viewspoitns.


The Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya building at night, Barcelona

I have been to Barcelona twice in my entire life. The first time when I saw the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc I was an 11-year-old kid and you have no idea how much I liked it! All the colors, lights, music… I remember I kept my fingers crossed making a wish to come back there one day.


Barcelona Magic Fountain of Montjuïc

Time passed, a few years went by and I totally forgot about it. So I was really surprised when I realized that after 15 years exactly I was standing in the same place, watching the Barcelona night skyline and beautiful water performance. ‘This fountain must be really magical‘ is what I thought then.


The Magic Fountain of Montjuïc, Barcelona

What’s more surprising this place looked almost the same. Well, maybe besides I was a little bit older now and people were watching the show in their smartphones, making movies for their friends I suppose instead enjoying it in real. So the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc hasn’t changed at all, but the society did! I admit I was quite bewildered when I realized it.


The Magic Fountain of Montjuïc and Plaça Espanya at night, Barcelona

Talking about the best night views of Barcelona, the most spectacular one is from Tibidabo I think. You may believe me or not, but I went there on foot from Drassanes, so I crossed the whole city before I got there, exploring its different areas and hidden gems. Sometimes the best way to discover a new place is to get lost there so instead of going on sightseeing tour I prefer just to walk ahead making my own observations, feeling the city vibes, discovering its flavours…


A night view of Barcelona from Tibidabo hill

Hanging around the streets of Barcelona took me a whole afternoon so when I reached the peak of Tibidabo, the sun already went down. Once I saw the city night panorama from the terrace of Amusement Park I found myself speechless. The city lights seemed to look like an illuminating spider’s web, extending from the area below the mountains to the shore of Mediterranean Sea.  I’m sure I will never forget this view and the impression it’s made on me.


Fountain on Plaça de Catalunya in Barcelona at night

As the hostel I was staying in was close to the port, I really enjoyed walking along Barceloneta Beach or Rambla del Mar in the evening and sitting in one of the restaurants located there, watching the lights reflecting in the water and relaxing after the day spent on sightseeing.


A beautiful night view of the port of Barcelona

Discovering Barcelona at night was an amazing experience, not just because of the beauty of this city but also its atmosphere. I have found Barcelona vibrant, full of life and colors, and together with Vienna, it’s on my list of places that I will visit more than once for sure.

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  10 comments for “The best night views of Barcelona

  1. March 16, 2016 at 6:12 pm

    Robisz piękne zdjęcia! Jaki masz aparat?

    • March 16, 2016 at 7:40 pm

      Dziękuję, takie miłe słowa dodają skrzydeł! 🙂 Jeśli chodzi o aparat to mam Nikona D3100, ale powoli przymierzam się do zakupu pełnoklatkowej lustrzanki.

      • March 16, 2016 at 8:43 pm

        widać że znasz swój aparat. Muszę udać dię na jakiś kurs żeby poprawić moje zdolności. Zainspirowałaś mnie 🙂

        • March 16, 2016 at 9:12 pm

          Ja właściwie cały czas się uczę metodą prób i błędów. Robię zdjęcia, przeglądam, robię znowu i powoli zaczynam rozumieć co chcę uzyskać. Ten aparat mam już długo, to fakt, ale jestem pewna że jest jeszcze dużo zmiennych do wypróbowania i nie “dokopałam się” jeszcze do wszystkich jego możliwości.

  2. June 12, 2016 at 9:31 am

    This is just so totally stunning, let me know if you’d like to do a guest post for my Wedding Blog (She Said Yes) for honeymoons etc.

  3. October 7, 2018 at 6:15 am

    Want to!! I I love the night citieis and Barcelona looks like a place, where I would love to spend a night with my camera and tripod. Thanks for sharing the views.

    • November 28, 2019 at 1:56 pm

      Unfortunately, I didn’t have a tripod at the time. I would like to come back to Barcelona someday and take some other pictures, maybe fly a drone there.

  4. Angelika Godlewska
    November 28, 2019 at 11:25 am

    Fantastycznie Ewa, podejrzewam, że jesteś z Gliwic, pięknie odpisałaś nasze miasto, jak i Barcelonę i Rodos, gdybym tam nie byla z chęcią bym sie wybrała po Twoich postach, gratulacje!

    • November 28, 2019 at 1:53 pm

      Tak, jestem z Gliwic. 🙂 Dziękuję za miłe słowa, po przeczytaniu takiego komentarza aż chce się dalej pisać. 🙂