Winter in the Tatra Mountains

Have you ever heard about the Tatra Mountains? Located 2 hours drive from Kraków Tatras are the highest Polish mountains. Only one-quarter of the range belongs to Poland territory, the rest lies in Slovakia. The highest Polish peak is Mount Rysy, which rises to 2499 m. However, the most distinctive mountain is Giewont, which is known affectionately as the Sleeping Knight. The legend says that he will awake when Poland is in danger and defend the country.

Tatra Mountains during winter

Winter in the Tatra Mountains

Tatry Polska Beskid

A view from the peak of Beskid (2012 m), the Tatra Mountains in Poland

The town of Zakopane is the most significant mountain resort in this area and it’s often called the winter capital of Poland. The overall nature of the Tatra Mountains, together with their easy accessibility, makes them a favorite with tourists who comes there from all over the world.

Zakopane, a ski resort in the Polish Tatra Mountains

Zakopane, the winter capital of Poland

A view from Kasprowy Wierch in the winter, Tatra Mountains, Poland

The Tatra Mountains range seen from Kasprowy Wierch (1987 m), Poland

The Tatra Mountains in winter, Poland

The Giewont Mountain is called The Sleeping Knight because of folk legend and its shape resembles a lying human

A wooden architecture of the Podhale region, Zakopane, Poland

The distinctive wooden architecture of the Podhale region, Zakopane, Poland

Sheep in Zakopane, Polish Tatra Mountains

Sheep seen from the window of our apartment in Zakopane, Polish Tatra Mountains

Świnica Mountain in the Tatra Mountains during the winter, Poland

Świnica Mountain (2301 m) in the winter, Polish Tatra Mountains

In my opinion, Tatras are quite similar to Vienna’s Local Mountains but much more crowded, to be honest. Although it’s still wonderful hiking area to discover, definitely worth seeing!

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  2 comments for “Winter in the Tatra Mountains

  1. sonnet script page
    March 29, 2019 at 4:19 pm

    I have never heard about the Tatra Mountains. I couldn’t imagine that there are so beautiful mountains in Poland. When I will go to Poland next year I will definitely go skiing.